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Technology when it comes to commercial plumbing products has evolved rapidly over the years – to the point where there are solutions available today that would have been unthinkable even as recently as a decade ago.

One trend in the industry has to do with touchless fixtures – meaning those that do not require the user to manually turn them on. They’re referred to by many names, including “no touch” and “hands free” items, among others.

A Guide to Touchless Commercial Plumbing Products

Commercial sensor faucets are likely the type of touchless product that people are most familiar with. They’re common in many public restrooms and in addition to being convenient, they help keep the area as sanitary as possible as well.

Here, a motion sensor is used to turn the water on and off. When someone’s hand comes close to the sensor, the water starts to flow for a few seconds before automatically turning off – in theory giving them just enough time to wash their hands. The sensor itself uses infrared technology to detect motion.

Touchless toilets are also common in commercial environments for similar reasons. Motion-powered flush valves are used to automatically flush the toilet when the person in question is finished with it. Of course, if the sensor doesn’t work, a manual button can be used instead.

All touchless products can be configured to a business’s exact needs, especially in terms of water flow rate. Measured in gallons per minute or GPM, the flow rate dictates the amount of water a fixture uses once it is turned on. If energy efficiency is a priority for a company, touchless items can be selected with lower flow rates to help conserve as much as possible.

The Advantages of Touchless Commercial Plumbing Products

Regardless, touchless commercial plumbing products bring with them a wide range of different benefits that cannot be ignored.

Chief among these is the fact that they’re equal parts sanitary and safe – especially important given everything going on in the world right now. People don’t have to use their hands and physically encounter a fixture to use it, thus helping prevent the spread of bacteria.

These solutions are also nothing if not energy efficient. Touchless faucets turn off automatically after a few seconds, helping to avoid the waste of potentially gallons of water per use. Therefore, a business’ investment in touchless products is one that could begin paying for itself almost immediately by way of the amount of money they’ll save on their monthly utility bills, among other factors.

These types of commercial products are also nothing if not modern – consumers have come to expect their presence and simply prefer them to their more traditional alternatives. They’re also available in a wide range of different colors and materials, allowing businesses to choose a solution that compliments virtually any look for their space that they might be going for.

But more than anything, touchless commercial plumbing products are both user-friendly, ADA Compliant, and convenient. If you’re not physically coming into contact with a fixture, it experiences less wear and tear – meaning that it will ultimately last longer than its more traditional alternatives.

It also just makes it easier to turn on the water or flush the toilet at a moment’s notice, which in and of itself may be the most important benefit of all.

Originally founded in 1985, Hydrotek has become an industry leader in terms of reliability with regard to commercial plumbing products. All of our solutions are manufactured to only the highest quality standard – allowing them to proudly serve our customers well for years to come.

If you’d like to find out more information about touchless commercial plumbing products, or if you have any additional questions you would like to discuss with someone i more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.

a lavatory with touchess products