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Commercial sensor faucets, flush valves, and shower systems are gaining in popularity every single year.

As these commercial plumbing products are more hygienic and add convenience to a lavatory, they’re being installed all over the world.

These commercial plumbing products also help to save water. In fact, they come with features that utilize the latest water conservation methods.

Sensor faucets and flush valves receive their power via batteries, which adds tons of convenience. However, as batteries don’t last forever, they’ll need to be replaced periodically. Furthermore, they can harm the environment if not disposed of properly. Luckily, there are a few ways to boost energy efficiency.

Keep reading to learn how to increase energy efficiency in commercial plumbing products.

High-Capacity Batteries

While the batteries of old didn’t last very long, options today have a much higher battery capacity. This high capacity is needed to extend the life of these batteries. This is a brute force method to increase the number of uses with these products. If you install these batteries in your sensor faucets, this can create greater energy efficiency. However, this is a more expensive option. Additionally, high-capacity batteries are also harder to find, which could make the installation process more difficult.

Regenerative Energy Technology

Here are a few solutions regarding regenerative energy technology:

  • Water Turbine – Another way to boost battery life involves utilizing a water turbine. In this system, a flow of water pushes a turbine, which charges a rechargeable cell. This can extend the battery life and increase the number of uses in public lavatory faucets. Additionally, the more a turbine is used, the more efficient it gets. This is a great solution for a sustainable power source. However, as this system does use mechanical parts, maintenance may be needed at some point, which could be expensive and time-consuming. Another downfall of a turbine system is that it isn’t very beneficial in low usage installations. If you have a commercial lavatory that isn’t used often, a turbine may not be the best choice for a public lavatory faucet. Additionally, replacing a rechargeable cell can also be expensive.
  • Solar Cell – Another energy-efficient power source is a solar cell. This system uses ambient light to charge a rechargeable cell. One benefit is that there aren’t any mechanical parts. A solar cell can also typically work using any type of light. However, dim lighting or frequent use can lead to a drop in power. The rechargeable cell can also be expensive to replace.
  • Augmentative Energy Technology – Augmentative energy technology is an excellent energy method for sensor faucets and flush valves. In this process, the system uses available light to power certain components, which reduces the load of the batteries. This helps to extend the life of the batteries, and they can even work off any type of light. You can even use cost-effective store-bought batteries for this method. The only negative is that dim lighting can cause the system to not work as effectively.

Energy Use Optimization

Energy use optimization is a leading way to extend the battery life in your system. This is done by reducing the energy needed for the commercial plumbing products used. This is done in three different ways:

  • Using energy-efficient components
  • Optimize use-cycle algorithms (sensor polling, signal timing, etc.)
  • Tune functional component specifications (amount of movement required, amount of energy needed to actuate valve)

Even though some of these optimizations sound small, they can add up big time in the long run. This can result in greater energy efficiency, longer-lasting batteries, and an improved system overall. By following these energy use optimization methods, you can also use affordable store-bought batteries.

Hydrotek is an industry leader in commercial sensor faucetsflush valves, and shower systems. If you’re looking for commercial lavatory products that are energy efficient and add convenience to any restroom, pick up the phone and call Hydrotek today!

For more information on Sensor Faucets see these posts:

two sensor facets and a flush valve