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Commercial Buildings Need to Upgrade to Sensor Faucets & Flush Values

Hands-free is one capability that is becoming extremely popular in this day and age. From using our cell phones to even driving our cars, our daily life is packed full of hands-free capabilities. But while this feature adds tons of convenience for the user, it can also help protect us from deadly germs and illnesses.

One area where we are starting to see a lot more hands-free, touchless features is in a commercial bathroom. Just think about all of the germs that a commercial lavatory sees on any given day. And if this restroom is in a high-traffic location, then millions and millions of germs can infiltrate these lavatories on a daily basis.

What’s the solution? The answer is touchless restrooms. Whether you’re a building manager, plumber, or engineer, upgrading to a sensor faucet and flush valves can be the perfect solution. Keep reading to learn more about why commercial buildings should upgrade to these amazing devices.

Touchless Faucets and Toilets Helps limit the spread of viruses

As we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are focused on keeping a clean and healthy workplace. From intensive cleaning processes to strict protocols, organizations are doing what they can to limit the spread. Another very beneficial solution is to install a sensor faucet and touchless flush valves in your restrooms. As it is required for many businesses to have a commercial lavatory, it’s a smart tactic to ensure these restrooms are as safe as possible. Simply put, touchless restrooms mean fewer surfaces touched by users — and that means a healthier commercial lavatory for everyone!

Promotes a Clean, Healthy Environment

black sensor flush valve black

HB8RFKCM Black Sensor Flush Valve

Aside from viruses, people enjoy using commercial facilities that are clean and well-maintained. When someone uses a restroom that is dirty and isn’t updated with touchless technology, they may feel a little unpleasant. To give restroom users peace of mind, installing sensor faucets and flush valves just might do the trick. These can help to limit the bacteria found in these restrooms, and they can also lead to a healthier environment!

Boosts Efficiency

Touchless restrooms are also very energy efficient. As bathrooms of the past would be huge culprits to water waste, these new and improved restrooms work every efficiently. That’s because sensor faucets and flush valves are programmed to provide the right amount of water at the right time. This technology has advanced greatly over the years, and these devices are now more efficient than ever before. And one reason why these are so beneficial is that they take the control away from the user. For example, sensor faucets only provide a certain amount of water, while the old touch faucets allow the user to turn on and off the water when they please. Not only is the old method less convenient than a sensor faucet, but it also leads to tons of water waste.

Financially Smart for Businesses

1000c sensor faucet

It may sound like a surprise, but touchless restrooms can also be a very smart money decision. Just think about everything that is used in a standard lavatory; water, soap, paper towels, and toilet paper may be a few that come to mind. Now when a touchless restroom is installed, just think about how much resources you’ll be saving. Water, soap, and paper towel dispensers can all be hands-free, which can help any organization save thousands over time. Additionally, building managers and owners typically spend less on maintenance and upkeep when touchless restrooms are in use. It’s a win-win for everybody!

High Level of Convenience

Of course, another leading advantage of commercial touchless restrooms is that they are very convenient. As many of us are living very busy, hectic lives, these restrooms allow us to not worry about flushing a toilet or turning on the sink; which could be packed-full of germs. And from a practical standpoint, not flushing a toilet is just another thing you don’t have to worry about. If you want to create a comforting, clean lavatory for your guests, installing a commercial touchless restroom can provide a convenient, safe experience your guests will love!

If you’re looking to upgrade your commercial bathroom with top-of-the-line sensor faucets and flush valves, we have the technology you can trust. For high-quality products and impeccable customer service, call Hydrotek today!