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Choices… the freedom to choose is both a blessing and a curse. There are many ways to peel an orange, but which one is the best? Answers will vary, depending on who you ask. No doubt, this applies when choosing plumbing fittings for your lavatory. Here are some tips to figure out which products are best for you.

Function Over Form

The reality is that there’s no way to avoid the restroom on a daily basis. Though we generally don’t wish to spend much time there, it’s a necessary space, so it wouldn’t hurt if some attention were paid to the look of the place. However, the best looking faucets won’t do much good if you can’t wash your hands after doing your business. So let’s look at some basic functions to consider first.


The outside might look solid, but the insides may be less so. The best insight on reliability will be found in user experience, so look for word of mouth, user reviews, and testimonials. While sometimes experiences may be uncommon and unique, friends who have used the product and give an honest opinion are typically trusted sources. Additionally, sites like have an extensive user review system. If a product has a lots of stars from lots of reviewers, quality of the product is probably pretty good. (Just be wary of reported cases of “review gaming” where fake accounts are created to artificially boost ratings.) Finally, testimonials that describe large or high profile installations will usually be credibile since you can reference the name and location. Besides, lying about large or high profile installations is easily a death sentence for any manufacturer!


Nothing is created equal, so you have to determine which features are right for you. While two products may serve the same purpose, one might have an unnecessary but very useful feature. For example, one faucet could have a ceramic mixing mechanism while the other has a standard mechanical mixing. Ceramic mixing mechanisms are specially coated and provides stick-free operation and precise temperature adjustment that will easily outlast a standard mixing setup. Which would you rather have? If the cost wasn’t prohibitive, the ceramic mixing faucet would be a better choice. Normally, more features mean more money (but not always), so it is important to determine which features make more sense for your application.


“You get what you pay for” is a common saying, and in some cases, it certainly applies. However, price doesn’t guarantee quality. Reliability and features should be considered to determine if price accurately reflects value. In addition to initial cost, there will always be cost to maintain it. A flush valve may be cheap, but the cost of replacement parts and potential labor could quickly increase your expenses over 5-10 years, and ending up costing more than if you had purchased a flush valve that was more reliable, had more cost-effective parts, and was easier to maintain.

Now That You’ve Done Your Homework

After you’ve considered reliability, features, and cost, you are probably left with a couple of choices. Now is the time to look at aesthetics or other biases. You should feel secure that you’ve weeded out all but the top-quality products to choose from.

Do you have any tips to add? List them in the comments below!